Hello, World! My name is Joel and I am currently a Software Developer at Microsoft! I am a CS graduate from Western Washington University and from the Pacific Northwest.

// Recent Projects

Front-End Mentor Challenges

Front-End Mentor is an online platform that provides everything you need (design files, assets, etc.) to get started with front-end development projects! They provide challenges that test your ability to build things on the web.

Live demos

Sunnyside Agency Landing Page

Meant to test my layout and responsive web design skills, this challenge focused on building out a landing page for a made-up company named Sunnyside Agency. The site needed to be optimal for mobile, tablet, and desktop users.

JR Portfolio

This very website is a recent project! I already had a personal portfolio website up, but took another look at it and didn't like what I saw; thus, the redesign. It was designed in Figma and developed with the basics: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Find out more about why I decided to NOT use any CSS or JavaScript framework!

Github repo

// Recent Blogs